Demos live here. Proof of concept widgets and ideas that the Kingdom Web Office would like your feedback on.


NO current features will be removed from existing systems without careful consideration. If you don't see something here that is ALREADY in an existing system then that is most likely because it already works well and I see no reason to spend hours reinventing wheels that are already spinning. Please trust me on this one. I may occasionally sneak in a new feature here or there, if it makes sense, but I'll never sneak one out.

Finally - Atlantia has a lot of developers and technically savy people (have you considered being a web minister :-) ). I know you're going to poke around. I will occassionally troll the site access logs and yes - I see you poking and proding. Generally; this activity is ENCOURAGED! If you find something broken, tell me, I'll get it fixed! If, on the otherhand, you pull a dumb... I will not be so... encouraging.

Yours in Service, Ciphers, & Stabbings
- Melchior zum grauen Wolf